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Bob Mitchell

Bob Mitchell

Gabriel Lowe17 Aug - 13:45
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Dear Chiswick Family,

“It is with much regret and sadness that we have to advise you of the recent passing of one of our own, Bob Mitchell, after a long battle with heart related ill health.

Bob attended Chiswick County Grammar School for Boys in the late 1950s, and was in the same year as Aidan Kelly (and Lindsey Haman), who recalls Bob being Captain of the school team and being amongst the best players in his year group, although playing in the backs then.

After leaving school, he joined Old Meadonians RFC (now CRFC), a great wing forward, second team captain and a dedicated club man, including serving successfully as Treasurer. He was hugely proud of being the most successful A XV Captain in the Club, when all was swept before them in the season 1972/73 P 33 – W 30 -D 1 -L 2. Points For – 980 – Against 187 - a record which still stands!!

He was a dedicated and keen “Meadonian Stroller”, and although his health limited his appearances both strolling, and spectating down at CRFC, he always stayed very much in touch.

One of life’s gentlemen, he will be very much missed by his family and all of us.

R.I.P. Bob”

Michael George

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